Regal Swim has six levels based on the American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim program. Each instructor has a slightly different take, and we are able to somewhat customize lessons to what you would like to learn. However, after over a decade of teaching swim lessons, I’ve found that going through this progression is how students learn best.  

We go over a variety of swim techniques in each level because some students prefer one over the other. For example, some students prefer to swim on their backs, while other students prefer to swim on their stomachs. Also, covering a variety of techniques keeps students from feeling stuck and frustrated when one is difficult for them. Here is an outline of what each level includes as well as some videos to help you practice between lessons.

Level 1: Swim Basics

Regal Swim Level 1

Blow bubbles (or just put mouth in water)
Kick with noodle
Fully submerge under water
Tread water (3 seconds)
Roll to stomach
Swim on front (2 body lengths)
Roll to back
Back float (3 seconds)
Swim on back (2 body lengths)

Other Level 1 Videos

Preschool Swim Lessons
The First Lesson
Swim with Floaties
Bathtub Swim Lessons

Level 2: Become Water Safe

Regal Swim Level 2

Fully submerge under water (5 seconds)
Front float (5 seconds)
Tread water (15 seconds)
Breast stroke (2 body lengths)
Front crawl (5 body lengths)
Back float (15 seconds)
Back crawl (2 body lengths)
Elementary backstroke (5 body lengths)
Jump in and swim to the side

Level 3: Swim Across the Whole Pool

Regal Swim Level 3

Front float (15 seconds)
Tread water (30 seconds)
Breath on the side
Front crawl (15 yards)
Back float (30 seconds)
Elementary backstroke (15 yards)
Dolphin kick (to prepare for butterfly)
Scissor kick (to prepare for sidestroke)
Intro to Diving

Level 4: Intermediate Swimmer

Regal Swim Level 4

Tread water (2 minutes)
Front crawl (25 yards)
Breaststroke (15 yards)
Elementary backstroke (25 yards)
Back crawl (15 yards)
Sidestroke (15 yards)
Butterfly (15 yards)

Level 5: Endurance Swimmer

Regal Swim Level 5

Tread water (5 minutes)
Flip turns
Front crawl (50 yards)
Elementary backstroke (50 yards)
Back crawl (25 yards)
Breaststroke (25 yards)
Sidestroke (25 yards)
Butterfly (25 yards)
Race dives

Level 6: Advanced Swimmer

Regal Swim Owl Swim Cap Levels

Swim with pull buoy (25 yards)
Front crawl (100 yards)
Elementary backstroke (100 yards)
Back crawl (50 yards)
Breaststroke (50 yards)
Sidestroke (50 yards)
Butterfly (50 yards)
Sculling (60 seconds)
12-minute swim test

Junior Lifeguard/Swim Teams

For students that have completed Level 6, we offer a backyard junior lifeguard program. We have also compiled a list of more advanced programs (e.g. swim teams) you can enroll your child in, so they can get experience swimming longer distances. Many of those larger pool programs have try-outs that we can prepare your child for. Generally children are good enough swimmers to join swim teams about halfway though Level 4.

Schedule a Lesson or Lifeguard
Learn About Our Regal Swim Team

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